1.7.3 – Industria, Principal Virtue of Diligence

Industria – industry, diligence, activity
Industria – industry, purpose/diligence, purposeful/diligent activity, purposefulness

WordHippo and Latin-Dictionary.net

One of the other words that popped up was assiduity, meaning close attention to the task at hand. As a term fairly low in the likeness list, I mention it instead because it’s a fun word and enabled me to expand my vocabulary today. Other related terms such as this also provide context for the full connotation of the original word. This one just so happens to be convivial to say.

What Is Diligence?

But First, Industry

The first and most direct translation for industria is industry. Let’s start there.

Industry – hard work; late Middle English: from French industrie or Latin industria ‘diligence’

Oxford dictionary

This isn’t a definition I’ve heard for industry because it’s all but fallen out of use in this way. The only way I’ve heard it used is in reference to some form of economic activity, typically involving the manufacturing of goods on a relatively large scale. However, given that there isn’t an “archaic” descriptor next to our relevant definition, it appears this definition hasn’t yet been relinquished.

But notice that the dictionary refers specifically to diligence as the translation from the French or Latin. The closest word Oxford could determine for industria (at least that isn’t industry) is diligence. From here, we may not know where we’re coming from, but at least that term is recognizable with respect to the topic of virtue.

So What Is Diligence?

Diligence – careful and persistent work or effort; Middle English: via Old French from Latin diligentia, from diligent- ‘assiduous’

Oxford dictionary

Haha! Our convivial new term re-appears!

Diligence is the intentional effort we put forth to complete a task properly. It’s not enough to finish something, it must be done right. Doing something properly requires close attention to detail and earnest endeavor.

Diligence is probably not hoping for a day off, regardless of how awesome it would be to curl up in front of a fire with a cup of cocoa.

Want just a little more clarification? My pleasure! We have another interesting word to check out!

Assiduous – showing great care and perseverance; Mid 16th century from Latin assiduus, from assidere ‘be engaged in doing’, + -ous.

Oxford dictionary

Perseverence. Studies are done as to the effects of teaching perseverence, particularly at a young age, and I have yet to stumble into a negative one.

This is part-and-parcel to diligence. To be diligent, we must continue on and do our part, despite the obstacles we may face.

Diligence is the earnest, conscientious application of our energy to accomplish what we’ve undertaken.


How We Do Diligence

So, today, our virtue is that of do. Action. Engage.

Don’t wait for the perfect timing for something because the perfect time will never arrive. This sentiment is applicable regardless of the topic at hand. Having kids? Nobody ever is. Taking a test? There’s always more to memorize. Starting a new blog? It takes more time than most realize, so there’s nearly no way to fit it into a schedule. (Well, in my experience, anyway.)

Pay attention to what you’re working on. Regardless of whether it’s a project for the boss or the spouse wants your input, be present. Listen; respond; engage.

What Diligence Isn’t

A quick note about burnout. It’s a problem. Diligence doesn’t require us to go so far that we die early. It also doesn’t mandate that we suffer in other areas of our lives as a result of work. There’s under-working and there’s over-working. As with the other virtues, there is a target, and we want on the board. Preferably we hit the bullseye, but so long as we’re on the board, we’re in decent shape. Just as one can aim too far to the left side with underworking, so, too, can one aim too far to the right and miss the target as well.

Similarly, stressing out over taking on too many projects when you know you can only take on so much is on the far side of diligence. People-pleasers, this is especially pertinent to you. Do your part, but leave something for others to do as well.


Industria is diligence. Diligence is perseverence through to completion of a task. However, we can also overdo diligence. The key is to work hard, to focus on your work while working, and to always have the necessary playtime to avoid burnout.

What do you think? Do you have any tips on diligence? Let me know in the comments!

Further Reading

  • VeryWellMind offers an article discussing burnout and how to spot if you are burned out. It’s a helpful field guide to navigating a self-assessment and general understanding.
  • Helpguide offers a similar resource to VeryWellMind. In short, if you need help with burnout, there are sources to consult and more to speak with. Ask for help if you need it!

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