Master Monday: Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful…

We often hear of bad weather, but in reality, no weather is bad. It is all delightful, though in different ways. … Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating.

Sir John Lubbock, The Use of Life

Reporting live from New Hampshire: the roads here are virtually undriveable. For the safety of yourself and others, please refrain from traveling.

Sleet is good weather for staying indoors and appreciating working radiators or fireplaces or your favorite blanket. It’s also great if you want to hear the weather.

Do you hear what I hear?
That’s ice, that’s ice, hailing from the sky,
And it’s making the roads slip-and-slides.

Capitalize on what the situation grants you. For me, I get an extra few hours tonight because I can’t safely drive to rehearsal. That time will help me with a few things I’m working on. Here’s to maximizing the hand dealt! Happy Monday!

1.8.1 – Master Monday: Uplifting Humanity

An inexhaustible capacity to engage in sin is what makes human beings capable of living a virtuous life. To err is human; to seek penance is humankind’s unique act of salvation. Whenever a person fails, it is often their overwhelming sense of anguish that drives them forward to make a second attempt that is far more bighearted than they originally envisioned. The need for redemption drives us to try again despite our backside enduring the terrible weight of our greatest catastrophes. There is no person as magnanimous as a person whom finally encountered tremendous success after previously enduring a tear-filled trail of hardships and repeated setbacks. In an effort to redeem our lost dignity, in an effort to regain self-respect, we find our true selves. By working independently to better ourselves and struggling to fulfill our cherished values, we save ourselves while coincidentally uplifting all of humanity.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
(emphasis mine)

Every fall is an opportunity to shine all the brighter by standing tall after. May your Christmas week enable you to see yourself as a whole, not simply as a sinner, but as the Saint God calls you to be because He loves you so much that He wants to spend eternity with you. May you shine brightly as the world rejoices in the remembrance of the Word made Flesh to dwell among us! God bless!